Aarhus Universitets segl

Jeremy Morris - New Research Programme Director at the Research programme for Global Studies

Jeremy Morris took up the position as Research Programme Director on 1 February 2021.

My ethnographic research on Eurasia (particularly Russia and former Soviet Union) engages with sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and political economy. As a researcher whose regional and disciplinary interests cross boundaries then, not least those between the humanities and social sciences, I think I have some modest understanding of what a broad church the Global Studies Research Programme is. That being said, there is a lot that unites colleagues – the necessity of linking regional work to global processes, such as the domestication of neoliberalism; globalised and glocalised forms of (inter)cultural communication and creativity, the present moment of so-called Covid-nationalism and the simultaneous centripetal and centrifugal forces acting within and on the EU and wider Europe. In some colleagues’ work post- and de-coloniality/provincializing Europe, looms large and serves as a linchpin for discussions around climate, the environment, commodity-chains, culture, morality and identity, and inequality.

Much of our colleagues’ work takes place in a capacious space called Language-based Area Studies focussing on East and South Asia, Eurasia, Europe, and South America. Part of the work of the Research Programme is to provide a platform for the syntheses of the best of regional studies, area studies and the emerging global studies. While Covid presents clear challenges to community building within and beyond the University, Global Studies hopes to make the best use of our brave new Zoom-world and continue its tradition of a vibrant calendar of visiting speakers where leading scholars of the global interact with us and our students. Building too on our recent success in attracting research funding from the likes of Carlsberg, the Danish Foreign Ministry, Horizon 2020 and HERA networks, our research programme is attentive to the need for conversations about the nuts and bolts of crafting competitive proposals, addressing impact, and socialising junior researchers to the Global Studies environment and wider intellectual milieu at Culture and Society. 


Jeremy Morris
School of Culture and Society
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 7
building 1467, 325
8000 Aarhus C

Phone: +4587162532

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