Aarhus Universitets segl

Natalia Miranda - New postdoc at the Department of Global Studies

As of November, Natalia Miranda will join the DEMINOVA project as a postdoctoral researcher. (PI: Cristina Flesher Fominaya)

Natalia Miranda is a political sociologist (PhD Political and Social Sciences, UCLouvain, Belgium; MA Sociology, PUC Chile; BA summa cum laude Sociology UFRO, Chile). Her thesis examined the convergence of different activist cultures within the Chilean social movement against private retirement. She is an associate member of SMAG-CriDIS at UCLouvain, and she serves as a Board Member of the Research Committee 48 “Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change'' of the International Sociological Association (ISA).

Natalia Miranda
Institut for Kultur og Samfund 
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5
bygning 1465, 424
8000 Aarhus C

The research project :“DEMINOVA: A cross-national exploration of democratic imaginaries and innovation in social movements”,  is headed by the principal investigator (PI) Professor Cristina Flesher Fominaya and funded by the Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF).

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