Aarhus Universitets segl

Call for papers

2nd CERPE workshop invites interested scholars to submit a paper proposal by 10 February 2017 to zhao_zile@163.com

Proposals should include a max 500 words abstract, a 150 word personal bio and a CV of no more than two pages including contact information (email, mobile number). Accepted languages: English and Chinese. Abstracts, personal bios and CV’s should be forwarded as a single attachment in either Microsoft Word (**.doc or **.docx) or Rich File (**.rft) format. Name the attachment with your surname and “paper proposal”.

Publication plans

A number of high quality papers will be selected for revision to become part of a special issue of an academic journal, e.g., International Migration and/or Journal of Chinese Overseas. Prof Li Minghuan and Professor Mette Thunø will serve as guest editors of the special issues.

Important dates and contact information

  • 10 Feb 2017 – deadline for abstracts
  • 1 March 2017 – participants are notified of acceptance or otherwise
  • 20 October 2017 – deadline for paper submission

This webpage will be updated with information on the workshop.