Kandidatuddannelsen Human Security, som har fokus på konflikt og miljø, er karakteriseret ved tværfagligt samarbejde. Kandidaten, der udbydes af Institut for Kultur og Samfund i samarbejde med fakulteterne Natural Sciences og Technical Sciences, er lokaliseret på Moesgaard Campus. De studerende kommer fra forskellige discipliner og omkring halvdelen uden for Danmarks grænser. Undervisningen er præget af dialog og samarbejde og sigter efter at give de studerende færdigheder på arbejdsmarkedet gennem praktiske øvelser såsom udarbejdelse af sikkerhedsreporter og konflikthåndtering.
Lektor ved antropologi, Christian Gade, fortæller om sin undervisning på Human Security og om hvilke færdigheder de studerende står med, når de forlader instituttet.
"As Human Security students, I believe our best resource is each other. We come from different places, backgrounds, and experiences and there is so much that we can learn from each other. Since the Human Security program is built around discussion, we have many opportunities to engage with each other along with the course topics. In this field, we will need to be able to work with many perspectives that may be different from our own. By engaging in class dialogues, we are gaining tangible skills to apply in a future career.
As for me, I am interested in sustainable peacebuilding. After finishing this program, I would like to work for an NGO building sustainable peace in communities that have been trapped in a cycle of conflict. I was attracted to the Human Security program because of its integration of contemporary conflict resolution and environmental issues. Using the skills I have gained from this program, I hope to be able to reconstruct post-conflict communities in a way that supports lasting peace while mitigating the effects of a changing climate." - Kelsey Vaughn