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Guest Lecture by Professor Stefan Rinke (Berlin)
The Urdu-speakers of Bangladesh and the idea of 'home': Migration, displacement and shifting narratives of belonging since the 1940s
The 13th biennial conference of the Nordic Association of China Studies(NACS) invites the participants to rethink historical and contemporary cultural…
Guest Lecture - Frederik Schulze (WWU Münster): "Mega-Projects and State Companies under Brazil’s Military Dictatorship. The Case of Eletronorte and…
Experiences from Indonesia and Denmark. The meeting takes place in cooperation with the Danish Embassy in Indonesia. All are welcome!
Everyday postsocialism - ethnographic approaches to studying contemporary Russia
Professor Christof Mauch, co-director of the Rachel Carson Centre in Munich will give an inaugural note on Feb 27, afternoon.
LUMEN - Center for the study of Lutheran Theology and Confessional Societies inviterer alle interesserede til centeråbning fredag d. 10. februar 2017…
The new Centre invites everyone to its opening on 7 February 2017, kl. 12-13:30.
The Center for Health, Culture and Society (working title) invites all interested to its first meeting on 1 February 2017 at 14.00
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