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Lecture by Christian Joppke, University of Bern.
This conference gathers scholars with expertise in diversity in various scientific disciplines and policy areas, ranging from biodiversity…
Democracy in crisis: Why social movements matter
Invitation to the Inaugural Lecture and Reception for Professor Cristina Flesher Fominaya
The unexpected: Why and how (mathematics) teaching in Japanese schools has influenced educational research - and my career
Dr Marine Cabos-Brullé holds guest lecture on “Photography in China and its Histories”
‘No city for lovers’: Urban poverty, public romance and violent moral policing of lower-class female youth in Mumbai by
Foredrag v/lektor, phd Jakob Tolstrup, Institut for Statskundskab, AU
"Good Life" and Development: Exploring the nexus between two entangled concepts in contemporary India and beyond
Professor Frank Pieke holds guest lecture on ”The Chinese Communist Party as a Global Force”
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