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Jacob is enrolled as a PhD Student as of 1 September. He will be working on a project on Japan-China relations, focusing on the roles played by NGOs…
Eiko Honda specialises in the intellectual history of modern Japan and the environmental humanities and is currently working on the project: The…
Lektor Lisanne Wilken er i de seneste uger blevet interviewet til flere danske og internationale medier om Ukraines bidrag og sejr i Eurovision Song…
Tridibesh Dey will join the project "Plastics and Anthropocene: The Bads associated with the Goods we consume"
Et internationalt forskerhold skal undersøge, hvad kommunikation, køn og bæredygtighed betyder for Ghanas importhavns konkurrencedygtighed. Projektet…
Martin Arvad Nicolaisen has joined Global Studies for a 2-year post.doc position with the PEPP II (Port Effectiveness and Public Private Cooperation…
Phillip skal arbejde med projektet: “Reject degeneracy; Remember tradition!” A Study of Far-Right Digital Memory Practices".
In February 2022 Isha Dubey will join the CO-OC (Constructing the Oceans) project.
Aarti will work on the project: “Plastics and Anthropocene: The Bads associated with the Goods we consume”
Hagen Schulz-Forberg is part of a team of editors for the journal Global Perspectives. The Journal have won a very nice award. The Council of Editors…
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