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About controversies related to non-traditional gender dynamics and LGBTQ+ themes in children’s and young adult books in Ukraine and Russia.
China Studies host three public guest lectures by Professor Ding Dou, School of International Studies at Peking University, China.
with Ayumi Shimomoto (koto), Yuka Sakura (koto) and Kiku Day (Shakuhachi)
Om journalisters udfordringer med at underholde og informere om Asien. Gæsteforelæsning v. Asien-korrespondent for Danmarks Radio, Philip Róin.
This guest lecture will examine the first translations of Japanese mythology into English during the Meiji period (1868-1912)
Researchers from Aarhus University share their knowledge and fascination with
world languages. Come and be surprised by the diversity of languages!
Undervisere fra Aarhus Universitet deler deres viden om verdens sprog. Hvad er sprog? Hvor tales diverse sprog? Og hvordan er de opstået? Kom og bliv…
Discussion of the emergence of globalism as a perspective on world order by Or Rosenboim, Associate Professor at Bologna University.
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