Aarhus Universitets segl

Oberseminar januar 2019

Friday 18/1

1)    10.00-10.30     Introduction


2)    10.30-12.30     Impulse paper: Dr. Thorsten Fögen (Durham): 'brevitas' in Pliny (and Cicero); Pliny’s epigrammatical letters (esp. ep 7.13; 1.11, 4.18, 5.15, 5.2, 9.38 und 8.7).


3)    12.30-14.00     Lunch


4)    14.00-16:00     Dr. Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham): Leadership in Cicero’s letters: ad fam 10.6; 10.10; 10.12 (reading materials attached!)


5)    16:00-16.30     Coffee break


6)    16.30-18.00                 Hubertus Theissen (PhD-student, WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Management) and Maximilian Theissen (M. Phil., Cambridge): Leadership Theories (transformational, authoritarian, humble)


7)    18:30-?                        Dinner at Café Malik


Saturday 19/1

1)    10.00-12.30           Plenum/group work (introduction by Dr. Jacob Mortensen [Münster]): Applying leadership theory on Cicero, Paul and Seneca’s letters: Methods and texts (convergence and divergence)


2)    12.30-14.00           Lunch


3)    14.00-15.30           Ph.D.-project presentations (specific issues to be discussed): Marie Andersen, Jóannes Purkhus, Sigurvin Jónsson


4)    15:30-16.00           Coffee break


5)    16.00-18.00           Evaluation of this semester and further planning (seminars, conferences)


6)    18:30-?                  Dinner