Aarhus Universitets segl

Oberseminar november 2018

Friday 9/11

1)     10-10.30          Introduction


2)     10.30-12.00     Prof. Christina Hoegen-Rohls: “Überblick über Zugänge zur paulinischen

Epistolographie und die Frage, inwiefern die paulinischen Briefe Apostelbriefe sind”


3)     12-13               Lunch


4)     13-15:30          Time and Leadership:


1.     Definition of Pauline texts (sample): Marie Andersen (1 Kor 7, Rom 12; Rom 13:11-14; Rom 8:18-23; 2 Kor 12:1-10; 2 Kor 4:16-5:10; Rom 1:8-15; Phil 1:3-11; Phil 3:11-21; Gal 1:11-16)

2.     Definition of Seneca texts: Nils Jäger (s. attachment)

3.     Research quest and PhD project Marie Andersen


5)     15:30-16          Coffee break


6)     16-18               Discussion of chapter 1 in Letters and Communities (Thorsten Fögen)


7)     18:30-?            Dinner at Café Malik


Saturday 10/11

1)     10-11         Prof. Eve-Marie Becker: Leadership, time and self-construction

Further reading of Pauline texts


2)     11-12                     Presentation of Ph.D.-project by Jóannes Purkhus


3)     12-13                     Lunch


4)     13-15:30    Discussion of chapter 7 and 10 in Letters and Communities (Fögen et al.)


5)     15:30-16    Coffee break


6)     16-18                     Seneca text reading: Letters about Time (with Introduction by U. Egelhaaf-Gaiser)


7)     18:30-?                  Dinner